Old commission model

On March 2nd, 2020 we introduced a new commission model for all Spreadshops. The commission for orders received in
your Shop before this date will still be calculated according to the old commission model. Orders placed after March
2nd, 2020 will be invoiced
according to the new model.

This is how you earned your money in the past

Under the old commission model, the money you earned with your products was determined by the amount you set as your
design price. This was charged to your customers whenever they bought a product featuring your design. The final
price varied depending on the country of delivery and the country’s VAT. This influenced your earnings. By way of
example, this is illustrated for Germany, Switzerland and Sweden here:

VAT in the country of delivery DE 19% NO 0% SE 25%
Price Men’s T-shirt €13.99 €13.99 €13.99
+ printing costs €4.50 €4.50 €4.50
+ design price €3.00 €3.00 €3.00
= customer retail price (incl. VAT) €21.49 €21.49 €21.49
Final net price €18.06 €21.49 €17.19
Customer retail price includes VAT €3.43 €0.00 €4.30
↳ VAT component of design price €0.48 €0.00 €0.60
Your design price earnings (excl. VAT) €2.52 €3.00 €2.40

Other sources of income

As a Shop Owner, we credited your account with the Affiliate Commission for every item sold in your Shop. This
amounted to 20% of the income from the product and print price minus VAT, which varied depending on the country of
delivery. If you sold at least 26 products in one month, you could further increase your commission by earning a
volume commission.

The volume commission was calculated from sales with the affiliate commission. Non-profit shops could waive the
affiliate commission and were excluded from earning the volume commission. Only products that were paid, shipped and
not returned are counted for the volume commission. The table below shows you the tiers of the volume commission
according to the number of products sold.

Number of items sold Volume commission
0-25 0.0%
26-50 0.5%
51-75 1.0%
76-100 1.5%
101-125 2.0%
126-150 3.0%
151-175 4.0%
176-200 5.0%
201-250 6.0%
251-300 7.0%
301-350 8.0%
351-400 9.0%
401-450 10.0%
451-500 11.0%
501-600 12.0%
601-700 14.0%
701-800 16.0%
801-900 18.0%
901-1000 20.0%
1001-1250 22.0%
1251-1500 24.0%
1501-1750 26.0%
1751-2000 28.0%
2001-2250 30.0%
2251-2500 32.0%
2501-3000 34.0%
3001-3500 36.0%
3501-4000 38.0%
from 4001 40.0%

Important: Your earnings are in principal subject to VAT. Earnings need to be declared to tax

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