Change or Cancel Order

Every item you order is printed for you by hand. Changes to your order are only possible if we have not yet started printing. Please act fast if you want to change anything - we’re quick off the mark. Once your order is processed, changes and cancellations are no longer possible.

Changing orders for registered customers

Check your order status as soon as possible. After logging into your account, you’ll find the status in My Orders. If your order is still marked waiting or new in the order overview section, you can easily cancel it. Then create a new order with your desired changes.

Changing orders for unregistered customers

If you placed your order without having registered, read the order confirmation email you received as soon as possible. You’ll find a link that will direct you to your current order. Please consider: If your order is still marked waiting or new, you can easily cancel it. Then create a new order with your desired changes.

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