Copyright Information

Your design uploads should not infringe third-party rights or statutory regulations. This includes trademarks, copyrights and personality rights. The same applies to designs, logos and texts of radical, defamatory or constitutionally dubious nature.

To use a design (photo, logo, text, etc.) at Spreadshop, you need to hold the rights to the design - provided that such rights exist in the first place. Before you use a design, check its legal status or ask the rights holder to grant you restricted legal right of use.

Information about copyright protected brands, as well as their protection can be found on the following websites:

If there is a word mark or design mark (logo) registered for e.g. Nice class 25 (clothing), you can be sure that applying it to our clothing does not come without legal complications, and we will therefore reject it. Usage rights protected material such as Nice class can be viewed on the brand platform TMview.

Examples of designs we can't accept

Here are some types of "blacklisted" designs that you can't use on Spreadshop items:

Copyright, brands and parodies

These are some well known, copyrighted logos. If you wanted to have them printed, you have to get the permission of the owners of this brand.

Constitutional issues and federal symbols

Designs offending basic law or constitutional rights are neither wanted nor allowed to be printed.

Personal rights and defamation

Pictures of celebrities must not be used for advertising and business purposes, at least not without their permission. In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, we don't print them.

What happens to designs which violate legal provisions?

Both partners and customers should be aware that the illegal use of copyrighted material can lead to high penalties. This also applies to designs and texts which defame or are questionable under constitutional law. In the case of a violation, Spreadshop will refer the violating party to the copyright holder, or, as the case may be, make them responsible to the rights holder for any damages.

Spreadshop makes an effort to discover and eliminate all types of infringement. If we discover suspicious content, it will be removed immediately and without warning.

If you've discovered a suspicious design or a defaming text: Just send an email to: Your personal information will be protected according to data protection regulations.

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