Delivery Times and Delivery Costs

The delivery times given here are estimates. You can find more detailed information during checkout after you have added products to your basket. Your delivery time depends, among other things, on the type and number of products as well as the selected finishing technique.

How you can help speed up dispatch

  • Complete and correct payment information (credit card payments)
  • Correct statement of purpose (order number) on bank transfers
  • Complete delivery and billing addresses
  • Legally and technically sound designs

Shipping options

Standard delivery: We cannot ensure delivery tracking with standard delivery. Orders that can be sent safely in an envelope are posted without an option to track. This is how deliveries can be deposited in your letterbox without requiring you to be at home. Larger sized orders will be sent in parcels, meaning you can track them.

Premium delivery: When opting for premium delivery (if available), you receive a tracking number so you can track your order regardless of size and type of packaging.

Express delivery: Choose express delivery to get the fastest delivery treatment. You will receive a tracking number regardless of size and type of packaging to track your order. Find more info on express deliveries in the FAQs.

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